You are insensitive and greedy for going after Ayensuano seat. NDC youth blast the party’s current national deputy youth organizer , Ruth Seddoh

                      🖇️story by; Yakubu Adams Democracy is indeed the ultimate positive revolution because it gives every individual of adult suffrage the power to change, control, and direct duty bearers for the common good of the people. But in every multi-party democracy, individual aspirations must always be in sync with their ideological party identity, the very platform on which those individuals would want to stand and advance their political growth  The NDC as a political party must not become just a tool for party executives in actualizing just their dreams, rather, party executives must remain religious to their contracts and promises upon which they were elected to serve. Barely few weeks ago, Ruth Seddoh told the over one thousand party delegates drawn from the 275 constituencies across the country that they should elect her as a deputy national youth organizer of the party, in order to work for the party and deliver the youth votes  Ten (10) candidates were standing up f


Justice Yao Alor 

Throughout the history of men, we have seen young people to have played pertinent roles in the development of their world and sparking change.

From the biblical context, we can talk of the young man Moses, who was called by  God to become a Deliverer for the Israelites from the land of Egypt.

A young judge and prophet was also called by God, named Samuel. We saw how significant Samuel's appointment was to the entire nation of Israel.

David, whom we all know as "King David" became a king as a young man. His contribution to the nation Israel was so enormous that, Israel's history cannot to written without his name.

The young Jewish leader, Christ Jesus was a youth whose donation cannot be written off by anyone or group of people. He lived full and died empty. Even centuries after his death, his name still remains.

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Nelson Mandela of South Africa, Mahatma Ghandi of India, Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso, to mention but a few, were people who had convictions, were angry because of existing woes of their countries and were hungry for change. Their convictions made them approach issues with the mindset of providing solutions and sparking change.

On this important day, as a Young Leader, I speak to the young people of our countries in the words of Kofi Annan, that, "You're never too young to lead and never too old to learn. You are never too young to lead and you should never doubt your capacity to triumph where others have not." 

To my fellow young people, I speak to you as a friend and a brother, never let anyone despise what you're capable of doing with the latent potential God has deposited in you. 


In your life as a young person, "You must decide if you are going to rob the world or bless it with the rich, valuable, potential, untapped resources locked away within you." ~ Dr. Myles Munroe.

As you are reading this today, become angry of what is not going on well around you and decide to cause change. It will become a quagmire to our generation and generations to come if we fail to bless our world with our potentials. Do not be influenced by the loose talks of society, that, "nothing can be done about it."

Become different from them, come out from them and be separated.


Let us begin to start leading and causing change in our small ways, groups, communities, churches, mosques, schools and our countries at large.

As this day marks International Youth Day, become unhappy about issues of racism, discrimination, corruption, child labour, child marriage, inequality, ineffective leadership at all levels, amongst others.

Become the change you so desires.


To those who do not believe in the youths, and think the youths have failed our countries, reflect on the words of Rachel Jackson, "Our youth are not failing the system; the system is failing our youth. Ironically, the very youth who are being treated the worst are the young people who are going to lead us out of this nightmare."

The youth ought to be treated right if society believe they are the hope of tomorrow. Let us not do wrong things and expect to get positive results.


Kofi Annan once stated, "Young people should be at the forefront of global change and innovation. Empowered, they can be key agents for development and peace. If, however, they are left on society's margins, all of us will be improvised. Let us ensure that all young people have every opportunity to participate fully in the lives of their societies."

It is very unfortunate how some of our leaders become insecure when they see young people trying to lead change. They make young people feel like they have done the worst by trying to solve societal challenges. 

Instead of encouraging, they discourage.

Instead of supporting, they oppose.

Yet, some of us are not settling for less neither will we entertain mediocrity.

In the very words of Dr. Myles Munroe, know this, "Leadership will either lead you into a ditch or lead you into purpose. We need our leaders, especially those who are teaching our young people to have the right message."


In this young life of mine, I have come to understand that, I am not here by a mistake. Take it or leave it, I got to know my purpose for living through a personal relationship with my Maker. When you discover purpose, it simplifies life and gives you a responsibility. A call not to live anyhow. Be strict on yourself as a young person if you want to be different from the masses.


I believe the youth are capable of sparking change from the nooks and crannies of our countries and to the forgotten comers of same.

I believe the youth are the leaders of today who will make our tomorrow better.


It still remains - In Pursuit of Purpose; An Unbroken Resolve.Live FULL; Die EMPTY.

Let's Pursue Excellence and Avoid Mediocrity.

#InternationalYouthDay2021 #IBelieveInYouthPower #AlorGlobal #TheFutureForTheFuture #UNYAGH #Sanekpakpa


  1. This is a great write up, and it's rare from a young person like this.
    The sky can't be your limit Alor Global.


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