You are insensitive and greedy for going after Ayensuano seat. NDC youth blast the party’s current national deputy youth organizer , Ruth Seddoh

                      🖇️story by; Yakubu Adams Democracy is indeed the ultimate positive revolution because it gives every individual of adult suffrage the power to change, control, and direct duty bearers for the common good of the people. But in every multi-party democracy, individual aspirations must always be in sync with their ideological party identity, the very platform on which those individuals would want to stand and advance their political growth  The NDC as a political party must not become just a tool for party executives in actualizing just their dreams, rather, party executives must remain religious to their contracts and promises upon which they were elected to serve. Barely few weeks ago, Ruth Seddoh told the over one thousand party delegates drawn from the 275 constituencies across the country that they should elect her as a deputy national youth organizer of the party, in order to work for the party and deliver the youth votes  Ten (10) candidates were standing up f


Master Frank Toko

Over the years, deliberations between government and labor unions have resulted in a strike action one way or the other. The most difficult ones are the ones where health and education-related  unions lay down their tools and commence a tug of war with the employer.

Within the space of 6 months; i.e. August 2021 to January 2022, UTAG and government have been at opposite sides on the negotiation table regarding conditions of service of the university teacher and the IMP which is a 114% of their basic salary as of 2013. 

There have been concerns and various unions amongst the affected stakeholders (students) have continued to call for a compromise and a better negotiation. In the past few months, NUGS - National Union of Ghana Students & USAG - University Students' Association of Ghana leadership have been knocking the doors of agencies involved to find out the backstory and also contribute to the discussion at hand. 

Yet, we are handicapped as we always have to count on reported speeches and act as a third party. More often, there’re accusations from both parties when there is a stance; either you are against government or you’re a puppet of the government as a student leader. This has contributed so much to student unions finding themselves wanting and being careful about what to say and how to go about decision-making. This is not the democracy we seek to participate in and this is not what we promised our members.

I believe as leadership seek answers and engage necessary stakeholders and call on relevant people to hear them out, it is time leadership of students also get a seat at the table of education-related labor unions (CETAG, UTAG, TEWU, etc) & government negotiations. It is time we are treated fairly, because our members also deserve to know the details and full story at hand. 

I call on all leaders of the various blocs and the mother union NUGS to help champion this, it’s an issue of a NOW or NEVER. Our voices must be heard because WE MATTER & we cannot continue to pose unconcerned as both parties use us as leverage


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