You are insensitive and greedy for going after Ayensuano seat. NDC youth blast the party’s current national deputy youth organizer , Ruth Seddoh

                      🖇️story by; Yakubu Adams Democracy is indeed the ultimate positive revolution because it gives every individual of adult suffrage the power to change, control, and direct duty bearers for the common good of the people. But in every multi-party democracy, individual aspirations must always be in sync with their ideological party identity, the very platform on which those individuals would want to stand and advance their political growth  The NDC as a political party must not become just a tool for party executives in actualizing just their dreams, rather, party executives must remain religious to their contracts and promises upon which they were elected to serve. Barely few weeks ago, Ruth Seddoh told the over one thousand party delegates drawn from the 275 constituencies across the country that they should elect her as a deputy national youth organizer of the party, in order to work for the party and deliver the youth votes  Ten (10) candidates were standing up f


Every choice comes with a consequence. Once you make a choice you must accept responsibilities. You cannot escape the consequence of your choices, whether you like them or not." ~Roy Bennett.

Just like an inevitable path to pry on to a destination you cannot do without, choices are instrumental in our day-to-day activities and a very large extent: our lives. Your inability to choose even is a choice on its own. We as loyalists and compatriots of the Elephant family are faced with a decision that holds our future in ransom, a decision that tends to take us all to the enviable avenue of treasures and likewise a decision that can take us to a land of regrets and wanton remorse. The onus now then lies in our respective bosoms to do the needful to help ourselves and posterity. 

Once again, our great Elephant party is at a juncture of decision making. We head to the polls to choose for ourselves leaders who would man affairs and spearhead an unprecedented revolution that has been rare: to lead us to break the 8. In light of this, our choices then play an integral role in this regard. We can partake and elect competent leaders to help us execute this mandate but on the flip side if we fail to indulge ourselves in this task to elect leaders for ourselves and watch on unperturbed for anybody to fill these spaces then your guess is equally good as mine. The choice we make would make and unmake us and ultimately have in-depth repercussions on NPP tomorrow.

By this point in the election year of our great Elephant party, you would most often than not get overwhelmed and engulfed by politics, the advertisements, the news, the flyer parading, and the barrage on WhatsApp platforms. With all this noise, it is easy for delegates to vote for someone dominating on social media. There is equally the temptation to vote based on popularity because their flyers flood all the WhatsApp groups and their names seem to be in the mouth of everyone. But have you looked beyond that to consider their integrity, competence and what they intend to bring on board?

Have you looked beyond that to examine what the person can contribute to the lives left under his leadership?

We need someone with an independent mind; someone who can take decisions on his own without influence; someone one who has the interests of NPP at heart and thereby puts us first and considers our needs when it comes to taking any step.

You may even be considering not voting at all. You may have come up with a cannonade of excuses to not vote at all and even convince yourself that your vote would have no impact. Perhaps these excuses are starting to sound coherent to you now but see, if we are more concerned at all about our great party and have its interest at heart, then we should pay keen attention to the leaders we elect and hence vote wisely.

NPP need hope.

We need someone who can give us that hope.

We need a leader who can mobilize us to victory.

A leader who is fair and impartial.

We have seen over and over again as only a few benefit from the party. 

Only a few are privy to the opportunities and open to doors that come with being part of this party and that must be a thing of the past.

We Need Hope!!

Henry Yaw Ackon.

Polling station Secretary (Ahanta West Constituency) 


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