You are insensitive and greedy for going after Ayensuano seat. NDC youth blast the party’s current national deputy youth organizer , Ruth Seddoh

                      🖇️story by; Yakubu Adams Democracy is indeed the ultimate positive revolution because it gives every individual of adult suffrage the power to change, control, and direct duty bearers for the common good of the people. But in every multi-party democracy, individual aspirations must always be in sync with their ideological party identity, the very platform on which those individuals would want to stand and advance their political growth  The NDC as a political party must not become just a tool for party executives in actualizing just their dreams, rather, party executives must remain religious to their contracts and promises upon which they were elected to serve. Barely few weeks ago, Ruth Seddoh told the over one thousand party delegates drawn from the 275 constituencies across the country that they should elect her as a deputy national youth organizer of the party, in order to work for the party and deliver the youth votes  Ten (10) candidates were standing up f

Top hints to avoid being scammed


Exposé on Worldremit and Wave fraudsters marketing on TV stations.
I am by this article going to expose you to some of the scams
A new wave of cyber crime has revolutionalised into an acceptable phenomenon to the extend of taken over 60% of Ghana free-to-air TV channels and no body is talking about it.This is worthy its longness.

 1. Money Doubling Phenomenon of Mallams

The money doubling phenomenon of Mallams  lacks evidence but a separate investigation and consultations are ongoing, hence many people have fallen as victims. Please don't try, it is a scam.

2. Social Media Category
Let's start with their social media marketing style. It always appears like this:

300gh - 1500gh
400gh - 2000gh
500gh - 2500gh
600gh - 3000gh

Same for those who brand their scamming method as Worldremit. Of course people will blame the victims for falling into such scam. It takes a whole lot to escape their plot so don't blame the victims.
 The category of these criminals using social media will give you a lot of screenshots about  people receiving the money.
When a potential victim express interest, he will be directed to send it through mobile money. They will tell him to wait like 5 mins. That's the time he will start to realise it is all a scam. They will be giving him more excuses about no network, wait for 30 minutes again.

During this period, they will withdraw the money from their account to avoid reversal from the network center.
After they've withdrawn  the money, they will tell their victim he needs to confirm the transaction by an additional amount. At this time, desperation will tell the victim to demand his money back and if he demands that, they will block him immediately. The victim will now call the network center for reversal and he will be informed there is no money in that person's account. For those victims who will send the confirmation fee , the will block him immediately. They just succeeded in scamming you.

3. Live Telemarketing Category

Now let's go to the most important part of this crime wave. Those who do live telemarketing. I call them real time scammers.

Like I said, the way it is marketed boldly on setllite televisions, only the well educated and IT sensible person will know it is a scam. What about those who who don't know. Below are some of the TV stations that are grossly in partnership with these fruadsters.

You may have watched some on Next TV, Aflao Tv, Adinkra TV, Selom TV, Akasanoma, Big TV, AB TV, Kasapa TV, Nkwa TV, ZTV, XTV...there are more. These stations will be disclaiming the content shown and as a result, they won't even show their logo when playing these scam tapes. Is like advertising cocaine on your platform and disclaiming the content.
Here are some of the unscrupulous brands of the scams: Orange Money Benefits, Express Money, Credit Card Money Loading, donation of gift cards, Nyame Adom Money Company, Carders Joint, Global Money Beneficiaries, Remital Beneficial....

This is how they work: They will come live on these stations with a mediator calling himself as the interviewer, and he will be asking the fraudsters some questions about his packages and he will be answering like, when you send your money, they use it to buy credit card online and load it through Worldremit or wave and transfer bigger amount to you within 5 minutes. Below are their popular packages.

Send ghs100 and receive ghs1000
Send ghs150 and receive ghs1500
Send ghs200 and receive ghs2000
Send ghs300 and received ghs3000

Send anything and receive 100 of it.
After telling you the packages, they will put the numbers on the screen to send the money and call back to confirm wether you have received it. They work in groups. Those in the studio and those outside. Those that are outside the studio will call and pretend they sent the money for a package and the one in the studio will tell them to wait as he will process it in real time. At that point, his cohoots will be seriously pressing laptop keyboard pretending to be Workin on buying the CC from darkpweb to load cash for those who just sent their money.



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